The Programme is online
The German Institute of Navigation (DGON) will organize
the International DGON – Symposium
in Cooperation with:

Transport must be efficient, safe and environmentally friendly. The further development and standardisation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) follow these goals through interoperability and networking of infrastructural and vehicle components. This requires equally disruptive technologies, reliable monitoring procedures and effective traffic management strategies.
Connected and highly automated driving is currently leading to rapid technological developments and should lead to the avoidance of traffic jams and accidents in the future. At the same time, the new technologies also result in completely new business models that no longer focus on vehicle ownership but on Mobility as a Service (MaaS). In combination with the electrification of transport, major effects can also be seen in the relief of air quality on roads.
The public sector, together with industry and users, is required to help shape these developments and to set suitable conditions for technical standards, through certification or for data protection. The German Institute of Navigation DGON was founded on the initiative of the Federal Ministry of Transport to provide neutral support for such processes with its technical know-how. In this tradition, POSNAV 2024 sees itself as a platform where the results of research and development dealing with different aspects - from improved sensors and services to coordinated operation and safety management - are presented and discussed.
POSNAV 2024 also addresses the question of how navigation technologies should be integrated into the ITS architecture to meet its many applications and diversity of performance requirements.
For connected and highly automated driving, positioning and navigation are key enabling technologies. Their increasing complexity, highest demands on accuracy and the desired interoperability are some aspects that justify the need for improved solutions. It is to be expected that the classic separation between infrastructure and vehicle will give way to new types of solutions, such as swarm navigation with the integration of artificial intelligence.
POSNAV 2024 is aimed equally at representatives of technology providers, transport operators, research institutions and administrations at European, national, regional and municipal level. It is intended to give participants an insight into the current state of research and development, provide suggestions for the design of the ITS architecture and offer space for discussion.